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   1 most out of them! Very strange."
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   1 ;"{L9887 We want to keep things 48k compatible so"'"expansion isn't possible just yet. We are still"'"working on a good multi-load system for future"'"issues. Probably!"
   1 ;"{L9887 We try to feature games that have slipped into"'"obscurity. SCR is still available in some shops.":
   1 ;"{L9887 Send your personal ten favourites for our defin-"'"itive (what, another one?) league table. The above titles are starting to pull clear of the field."
   1 ;"{L9887 Like a good few other people, I responded to the offer of free associate membership to INDUG."'"Every three months I receive an A4 mock up of"'"FORMAT magazine and leaflets of hard/software offered by them. Apparently I also have access to a free techy phone line but I've never used it."'"Thankfully this isn't an 0898 number either!"
   1 ;"{L9887  Adverts are free in Sinclair Classic. Either send"'"  us a lineage ad or your own screen file to the"'" address on the letters page (tapes only please)."
   1 ;"{L9885 SC Readers All Time Top Ten"
   1 ;"{L9885 Publications"
   1 ;"{L9885 Classic Software Review":
   1 ;"{L9885 Classic Software Review"
   1 ;"{L9885 Amandas Diary"
   1 ;"{L9883 |THE LETTERS PAGE|";
   1 ;"{L9883 THE FREE TAPEZINE"
   1 ;"{L9883   One screen will be loaded every time
   1 ;"{L9882 Dear all, Thanks for the latest issue + the rewind on Tau Ceti. But you forgot to mention maybe Pete Cookes finest hour, his Speccy conversion of 128"'"Stunt Car Racer! I've played the Amiga version"'"and it's crap compared to the Spectrum version."'"I'm suprised you havn't already featured this"'"game seeing as it got 97% in SU. You usually copy all their classic games anyway. (Nick the Nock)"
   1 ;"{L9882 Dear Amanda, A little less football chat and more Spectrum games I think. The World Cup is going to be enough for the next 4 years without you going on about those thugs you call a football team. I do feel the whole zine would be better if it was at"'"least twice the size per issue. I like the idea of a"'"fanzine celebrating years of Sinclair computers."
   1 ;"{L9882 2 BELVOIR ROAD";
   1 ;"{L9882 1 (2)  RAINBOW ISLANDS / Ocean"'"2 (1)  R-TYPE / Electric Dreams"'"3 (3)  CHASE HQ / Ocean"'"4 (7)  ELITE / Firebird"'"5 (4)  HEAD OVER HEELS / Ocean"'"6 (-)  WEC LE MANS / Imagine"'"7 (5)  PEKING / Dave Sanders"'"8 (-)  THE GREAT ESCAPE / Ocean"'"9 (9)  QUAZATRON / Hewson"'"10(-)  DAN DARE / Virgin"
   1 ;"{L9881 What's a girl to do without lots of"'"new Speccy games to look forward"'"to. No tasty screen shots to drool"'"over in preview sections of YS... but"'"then there is an avenue of Spectivity"'"still churning it out and that's the"'"strange underground world of the"'"demo writers. Thanks to the sterling"'"efforts of Steffy Balli and our very"'"own Martyn Prism, we have several"'"C60's bursting with goodies."
   1 ;"{L9881 The Feature takes a rest this issue"'"and instead turns into Publications."'"Not seen since issue #1 but straining"'"at the leash ever since. Original book"'"worm Claire has been sacked due to a"'"ban by Brixton library for 'missing'"'"book pages. So armed with my clean"'"Notts record I sussed out the West"'"Bridgford branch. Not an unpleasant"'"task as one of the assistants looks"'"like Louise Brooks. And giggles alot."
   1 ;"{L9881 I can't be the only person never to have finished a text"'"adventure game can I? In my defence I can only say that"'"those endless games featuring goblins, witches, spells and"'"enchanted rose bushes get right on my tits and I press the reset button without too much encouragement."
   1 ;"{L9881 An armoured supply car is carrying drugs to the centre of"'"the city. One after the other, four delivery cars will drive in to meet it, and then drive off to their hide-aways. After"'"the fourth pick-up the armoured car will leave the city."'"Your mission is to stop the delivery cars after they have"'"made their pick-ups and to finally nab Mr.Big. You must"'"drive carefully, avoiding road works, enemy hit cars and the"'"humble members of the public."
   1 ;"written by clever sods with a very strange translation of"'"English. I'm not slagging them off you understand, I can"'"just about speak English myself (I'm from New Cross see) and certainly nothing more than the days of the week in french. It seems British boffs like Clive can invent things but not"'"actually get the 
   1 ;"You view your car and the road ahead as if you were flying behind and slightly above it. The monochrome play area"'"consists of various three-lane highways, dual carriageways, back streets and one-way systems. A practice option is in-"'"cluded to get used to the handling. Controlling your car is"'"pretty simple but you can't perform 150mph handbrake turns unlike Amandas Mini. Adherence to the highway code is"'"recommended when approaching the minute traffic lights."
   1 ;"You maybe interested to know there are some sex ones too. Nothing sick of course, just stuff you can find in any news agents. Doubtless there is some loser living in Milton Keynes for instance, who will go out and stab some innocent victim after loading up computer porn but its just as likely to be"'"all those moronic combat magazines under his bed and daily newspapers like The Sun that cause more twisted minds."
   1 ;"What I'm getting at is the fact that PD demos are not"'"censored (unless by the conscience of the PD library bods). Sex demos don't bother me (they are rarely ever sexy!) but"'"extreme right wing views do. The RED DEMO features a"'"swastika for instance. I know the majority of demos are just"'"light hearted fun things but lets be on the look out for the real evil that's around. Check out the NO NAZIS demo if you really want to voice your opposition."
   1 ;"Turbo Esprit is as near to a Department of Transport"'"driving test as you are going to get on the Speccy. Slightly"'"less than a full-blown driving sim (no Hard Drivin' gear-shift here) it's also more than just a straight arcade racer.":
   1 ;"Those who don't fancy the thrill of the chase in tracking"'"books down can instead buy Speccy flavoured tomes from"'"BERNARD BABANI LTD. They publish a whole range of very"'"obscure electrical manuals and guides. A large SAE to:"'"The Grampians, Shepherds Bush Rd, London W6 7NF should provide you with a full catalouge."
   1 ;"The most interesting thing about Vol 7 No 6 is a"'"proggy sent in by Barry Twyman, which generates a letter writing utility that uses a script font. What this scummy turd failed to mention was"'"that he lifted this program from Robert Speel's paperback from 1983 'BETTER PROGRAMMING"'"FOR THE SPECTRUM AND ZX81. It never fails to amaze me how these losers think they are the only ones with a certain Speccy book. I've got them all mate, and you are a sad case.
   1 ;"The first mind blowing demo I ever saw was Soundtrack IV,"'"from an SU tape. Then there was the Lyra 2 - that dancing"'"woman and lush music. It leaves you hungry for more I can"'"tell you, especially when they cost virtually nothing to get"'"hold of (or nothing at all if you have a dreamboat German penpal like Steffy!)":
   1 ;"The book describes how to build inexpensive project mother-"'"boards from scratch. These include a pulse detector, picture digitiser, model controller, light pen, photo-flash, games"'"control and those all important 'many mores'. All are conn-"'"ected to the I/O port by an address decoder which you also have to build. The word 'easy' applies here if you are con-"'"fident with circuit diagrams and a solder gun. A list of"'"components is given plus small control programs to make"'"things happen."
   1 ;"STOP TAPE NOW":
   1 ;"SPECTRUM ADVENTURES by Tony Bridge and Roy Carnell"'"was bought for 20p from the charity shop just across the"'"road. It goes into the history of Speccy adventures and also discusses many classic early games like The Hobbit. This book guides you to write your own adventures in BASIC and"'"includes a massive game listing to type in yourself. Not my"'"cup of lager but a very good publication as it contains"'"many useful sub-routines."
   1 ;"Once I get my head around Soundtracker I hope to stun the world with my PANDAGIRL megademo. It's going to have lots"'"of massive willies in it because I'm also fed up with the way women are depicted in most demos. Having gigantic tits is a nightmare my euro friends (or so I'm told), you get hassled by moronic West Ham fans and bra straps make red marks"'"in your back. I suggest you all read Freud and go watch"'"the elfin Mia Farrow in Rosemarys Baby. You might just"'"learn something. Although I doubt it..."
   1 ;"On a personal note I'd much prefer the game to feature a"'"Ford Anglia but other than that, this is one to track down."
   1 ;"NOTTINGHAM NG2 5DL ";
   1 ;"Last year Format held a Sam/Speccy fair in"'"Gloucester and plan to hold another on April 30.It's fantastic that people are holding these fairs but maybe they would be better staged in an area populated by humans rather than sheep & cows."''"I don't feel I'm missing anything by not subbing"'"to FORMAT but I hope to aquire all the back"'"issues pretty soon. If they blow my ankle socks"'"off I'll print 100K of apologies."''"Write to FP, 34 Bourton Rd, Gloucester GL4 0LE."
   1 ;"January 94's issue includes a news page, program"'"tips, a review of 'The Fractal Collection', a basic tutor section, bits on Uni-Dos and the 3D Con-"'"struction kit and a lively letters section."'"They don't appear to make them up like we do."'"There are also lots of ads and addresses for"'"those vital yet elusive spares. Febs issue features more of the same with a review of SamPaint that makes me want to rush out straight away to snap up a Coupe."
   1 ;"It's own blurb reads 'It complements the Sinclair manual in"'"carefully explaining the main features of BASIC, and then"'"showing how these can be used to create games or appli-"'"cation programs.' And having seen several books which boast the above, this one does it the best."
   1 ;"Issues of FORMAT are released monthly and cost"'"`1.50 or are free to full members (`12 per annum). How they work out that twelve issues costing you `12 is free I'm not too sure but there you go."'"FORMAT is a printed A5 magazine coming in"'"somewhere between a fanzine and a Your Sinclair. It's nicely laid out and well designed. Super"'"Cooper sent us two issues to have a look at.    >":
   1 ;"If your 128 Speccy is in need of being pushed to its limits,"'"may I suggest you load up GREAT MUSIC COLLECTION,"'"SONG IN LINES 5, MQM 1-4, SUBSONIC 2, SHOCK, BIGFISH 5, LSD, SUPERSCORIA 2, SQR, MINDWARP... the list could go"'"on but I'll leave that to the experts. And the first person to chant 'haircut, haircut' is going to get a severe beating."
   1 ;"I've nominated this game a classic because I've not seen any-"'"thing like it before or since 1985. The graphics, although"'"basic, do become convincing with a tiny pinch of imagination.":
   1 ;"I've come to the conclusion that all fantasy type adventure authors are lazy son-ofs. Can you imagine the programming"'"involved coding a fitted kitchen in Croydon compared to a"'"cave with some green faced git in it? Look around you right now. How many objects and locations are there to search,"'"examine and manipulate? Bloody hundreds that's how many!"
   1 ;"How about some new features? I have some"'"suggestions for you... a pokes section, a readers"'"screen art gallery, interviews with programmers, expand the top ten to at least 30... what do you"'"think? All the best,    Steven Eubank, East Ham."
   1 ;"Hardly FORMATS fault of course but if I was"'"setting myself up as a Speccy authority then I'd at least know ALL my stuff. And while I'm moaning I also found the price of software in the ads"'"disgracefully high. In several cases similar"'"programs and utilities are available from PD"'"libraries at an absolute fraction (we are talking pennies not pounds!)"
   1 ;"Hampstead rips the piss out of Thatchers children, the"'"dreaded eighties YUPPIE. You have to raise yourself from"'"the gutter to hob knob with the so called elite of society."'"The text contains loads of biting social comment and left-"'"field humour. It is that rarest of games, a genuinely funny and original adventure program. Even the manual is worth"'"reading more than once."''"Very possibly the best thing about Hampstead is the"'"complete lack of never beings called Thorag..."
   1 ;"EXPLORING SPECTRUM BASIC by Mike Lord is another"'"excellent paperback gleaned from the same shelf. It's got a"'"'fanzine style' look to it, typed text and letraset headings."'"It makes the read altogether more friendly and relaxed.":
   1 ;"Components were available from an address at the back of"'"the book but that was 1983 so Tandy should be the obvious place to go shopping these days. As you may imagine, I"'"can't comment on actually building anything from this book! but after a few beers I get the feeling I COULD make them. This is the kind of book that pushes you to the complicated"'"side of computing by the sheer interest value it generates."
   1 ;"Apart from the E3 crew (from Bristol I think) why are all"'"English demos so poor when compared to say the German or Polish ones?... and come to think of it, why are there no"'"girl coders anywhere?? Please put me right if you know"'"different. Thing is I'm getting fed up with endless demos   >":
   1 ;"Amy's who's who of who is out there!"
   1 ;"After consuming the football league tables of a Sunday"'"morning, Amanda has been known to give her +2 a shammy"'"leather rub down and then taken Turbo Esprit for a spin"'"around town (just to charge up the battery). She is one of those strange people who straight away opposes the rules"'"of the game and does the exact opposite. She drives on the"'"wrong side of the road, runs over pedestrians and generally shoots anything that moves. It happens because the games"'"in question are usually too hard."
   1 ;"A sign of a good book is one with loads of stamps in the"'"front and a chewed up cover, EASY ADD ON PROJECTS FOR SPECTRUM, ZX81 + ACE by Owen Bishop has both in excess.":
   1 ;" any key then play tape.":
   1 ;"(1)  Classic Software"'"(2)  Classic Software"'"(3)  Letters Page"'"(4)  Readers top 10"'"(5)  Amandas Diary"'"(6)  Publications"'"(7)  Support Scene"'"(8)  Load Adverts"
   1 23638-82":
   1 23637+256*
   1 '' "SINCLAIR CLASSIC #6 MAY/JUNE 94"''"Written on a +2 that recently   had some tea spilt on it by:"''"Dave 'huggy bear' Fountain"'"Amanda 'talulah gosh' Panda"'"Jeff 'stock cars' Cooper"''"Print/Graphic routines coded by Garry RAS Rowland"''"Placed in the Public Domain by  Fountain PD  4.5.94"'''"PRESS ANY KEY..."
   1  you select option 8. There are four   "'"   different screens (adverts) in total.   "'"  ***DISK USERS ALTER LINE 4050***   ":
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